Ace 4
Alley Viper 4
Baroness 2
Blizzard 2
Breaker 2 (Stars and Stripes)
Cobra Commander 8
Destro 5
Duke 7
General Hawk 5
Grunt 4 (Stars and Stripes)
Gung Ho 6
Iceberg 3
Lady Jaye 2
Rock N Roll 5 (Stars and Stripes)
Scarlett 3 (Stars and Stripes)
Short-Fuze 2 (Stars and Stripes)
Snake Eyes 7 (Stars and Stripes)
Snake Eyes 8
Snow Job 2
Stalker 6 (Stars and Stripes)
Storm Shadow 5
Torpedo 2
Viper 5
Zap 3 (Stars and Stripes)